20 May 2009

For the Unemployed Out there

Looks like I'll have to tell you about it.

Follow the exciting adventures of Rhoby who has been unemployed for over a year, as she goes through the events and twisted, detoured, and sometimes dead-end roads which more and more of us are now learning to experience: the art of navigating the art of being out of work.

Here's her website: http://theartofoutofwork.blogspot.com/

artfully done, I might add. She is also experimenting in the art of social media networking to sell herself to employers for a job. It's apparently become a passion of hers as well, as the blog demonstrated in her approachs.

She's also a perky attractive woman who knows she has to get out there to get it done. She blogs and tweets her way to success and a following: 400 followers on Twitter, 1500 visits to her blog (probably more over the life of the blog), and kudos from fellow web and blogsites and even the New York Times. That's big time!

For her, I do see potential in that, if not the job she was looking for, she will create a new career opportunity for herself, and with this blog hopefully for others.

1 comment:

Rhoby said...

wow! What a pleasant review! Thank you so much! You have a great Blog here, very informative. I hope to run into you somewhere in cyber space again!

check the time where you're at on the Big Board...