02 September 2007


Yes, the Republicans were quite embarrassed by Larry Craig. "I am not Gay, I never have been gay", he said. Well he definitely voted against all things gay in the House and Senate over the past 20 or more years, def a major social conservative. BUT - he didn't practice what he preached. As they say at Big Lots: 'you never know'.

What do you do when a man's into a man, when he said repeatedly he's not into men and hates men who're into men? You kick him to the curb, of course. Which is exactly what McConnell and company have done, correctly. Notable exception Mitt Romney, who did extricate himself from the man politically but with his usual cold, calculating and breathless candor, if you can call it that. Hardly fitting for one who claimed to be a compassionate conservative just 2 months ago when challenged as a flip-flopper on abortion. Quite disengenuous for someone who was his campaign committee chairman in Idaho. Punk-assed like a mutha-fucka for someone who may have his own set of skeletons in his closet. Romney needs to learn the art of the phrase 'no comment'.

Will excommunicating Craig save the Republicans? No, because their issues actually go deeper than sex scandals. Their fundamental error has been the culture war. That error is the reason we have used patriotism and fear to go into Iraq, secretly wiretap people, let Bin Laden get away, cut taxes for the rich while the economy goes south, can't resolve the immigration issue in a fair and rationale way, or do much anything else right in Washington these days. In the meantime we're losing our sovereinty, prominence and security to Mexico, China and Iran. We're going down, and we have this President and the Republicans to blame, as will be the case of the Referendum Vote in 2008.

The image “http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d4/Larry_Craig_mugshot.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

check the time where you're at on the Big Board...