29 April 2008

Rove's Up To Mischeif - AGAIN!

Rove is giving some free advice to Obama.

He just can't help himself, it's his game. And obviously fascinated in the project like his own chess board, Rove is trying to steer his train through the wreck again by giving some free advice to Barack Obama. In his latest Newsweek column, he tells the Illinois senator that his once-strong candidacy has gotten weaker, commenting "you're making mistakes and making people worry."

Rove has previously used his column space in Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal to dole out advice to the candidates. He is now arguing the salient point for most whites, specifically that the uproar over his former pastor's remarks and Obama's comments about some small town Americans has "reinforced the growing sense you don't share Middle America's values. He also cites Obama's comments about flag pins and his relationship with 1960's radical Bill Ayers as evidence Obama is out of touch with ordinary Americans.

But the longtime Republican political strategist offers Obama six suggestions for how he can reignite his presidential campaign, starting with shaking up his stump speech, which he says sounds "old and out of touch."

Personally, on this I agree with Rove. The 'yes we can' speech needs more nourishment. I finished the appetizer and the table has been cleared. Where's the beef? I need it now.

Rove also suggests Obama sharpen his repudiation of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's controversial sermons, pledge to name specific Republicans to his administration, and spend more time back in the Senate to burnish his chops as legislator. Obama, Rove says, also needs to stop responding to Clinton's attacks and offer more concrete policy proposals.

On these points, Obama should follow suit in this order: (1) stop responding to Clinton's attacks (2) get into participation in some bipartisian legislation that will show his responsiveness to Republicans as soon as possible. He should ignore the Rev. Wright thing with a forceful "No comment", or "he does not speak for me or my campaign" and stick the middle finger at the press, and do this NOW.

"You have talent, intelligence and tapped into something powerful early in your campaign. But running for president is unlike anything you've ever done," Rove writes. "While you'll almost certainly win the nomination, Democrats are nervous about the fall. You've given them reasons to be.”

That depends on which 'Democrats' you're talking about, Rovie. Of course you know, the older white folks. This is another distraction. White people who are looking for any excuse not to vote for a black man (experience, his gaffs, etc.) WILL FIND ONE!! So it doesn't matter what you name the reason, it will be sufficient pretext to have an out when you are accused of being a racist. What we have learned from this primary is that Democrats are a diverse group of people who are not always on the same side, not unlike the Republicans this year.

But in the case of the Dems, their high-falluting song of liberalism, which suggests tolerance, is not so tolerant as it appears.

Many of these Dems are suburban and urban working and middle-class whites (that would be everyone from the poor white trash mechanic of Bridesburg or Dix Hills to the jewish 2nd or 3rd generation lawyer or accountant who lives in White Plains or Dresher) who do not vote with black Dems in local races, especially if the candidates are classic Breyer's Vanilla & Chocolate Ice Cream flavors.

The resistance to Obama is not just small town America. Some of these suburbanites live in diverse towns and know black people, but are nevertheless closet racists who purport to be 'liberal', as if they love black people, when in fact they can't see past the color from the trees when dealing with the concept of being led by a black person.

Below are just some of the interesting comments and thoughts I found on a blog on CNN. ~

April 28th, 2008 6:10 pm ET

Why does Rove want Obama to win?

Because Obama's the only Democrat who can lose to Cain.

All the nonsense stops when the two final candidates debate side-by-side.

That's where people see Obama at his worst - as a kid with three weeks of U.S. Senate experience who doesn't understand the basics of foreign policy, education, economics, the environment, etc.

That's why he won't debate Hillary one-on-one . . . he'll look like an idiot.

April 28th, 2008 6:15 pm ET

That's it CNN, let's keep on building a false sense of momentum for Hillary Clinton while you continue to paint Obama with as much negative press as you can manage. How much is Hillary paying you guys to ignore her comment about 'obliterating' Iran's 65 million person population, or the fact that she used Bin Laden in a television ad to attack a member of her own party, or that she lied not once, but at least two times about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia, or that her story about the woman dying because she couldn't afford healthcare was not factual or all the way true, or that she tried to tie Obama with a former member of Weather Underground negatively but her husband pardoned two of them controversially upon exiting his presidency. You guys at CNN are despicable! Free press? What's that???

April 28th, 2008 6:14 pm ET

These pundits are idiots. HILLARY CAN"T WIN w/o the majority of black votes in the general election. Swing states are considered swing b/c whites are split and usually it's the black turnout that can make the difference. She sold herself to the devil so she is finished. She pissed off the most dedicated base of the party. She can't win the South and Penn and Ohio will swing to the moderate Republican McCain. Even blacks will vote for him. He kinda remind us blacks of an Eisenhower type. Eisenhower was a republican but received a substantial amount of black votes in 1956 b/c of his supportive stance of sending federal troops to protect the Little Rock 9. All the conspiracy theorists are saying she really wants it 2012. So her plan is to destroy Barack and let McCain get 1 term. Funny thing is the lady is awful when she plans. Hey whatever happen to the "Inevitable Candidate"? Remember that!!!!

Seven comments from a neighbour:

* 'the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing'.stay focused.
* do not fall into any of the traps that the bad guys are throwing along your trail.
* challenge any attacks coming your way. the clinton's are vulnerable.remember that in this country ,civility and kindness are also percieved as a sign of weakness.
* bring back some of the enthusiasm you showed us until not too long ago. positive vibes are contagious.
* exploit connections from the clinton's team with jeremiah wright and/or farrakhan (also ed rendell, rev marcia dyson, shiela jackson lee, didn't the clintons invited jeremiah right to the white house during the impeachment procedures?)
* you are the front runner,close this deal. do not try to keep everybody happy…if you do this, nobody will be happy.
*you have what it takes, lead us to the place where changes will take place.

April 28th, 2008 6:51 pm ET

I agree with one thing Rove suggests. An Obama Chuck Hagel ticket is unbeatable in Nov. An absolute indication of reaching across the isle.

...this one is wacked but brutal:

who asked you, you miserable, bloated criminal?

obama shoud be giving YOU advice on what it takes to get your soul back from beelzebub and become HUMAN again!!!

if we want advice from an immoral, win-at-no-costs-US-citizens-and-constitution-be-dammed creep, we'd ask rush or cheney or penn or hagge… see, there's this way of living your life where you do things with INTEGRITY and WITHOUT CHEATING, you repubs should look into it, it's really a much more fulfilling and happy existence!!!

stick a fork in you, YOU SOUL-LESS REPUBS ARE DONE, BABY!!!!!! BUH-BYE repubs, dont let the door hit ya, where beelzebub split ya!!!!!

...and this one is brutally true:

April 28th, 2008 5:28 pm ET

mmmm and we should listen to him why????
because he tells clinton how to run her dirty campaing? all one has to do is listen to Limbaugh and his followers for 10 minutes and one can tell who is clinton working with and for…………..

hillary grew up republican she is a republican, but none will say it………..
the hunger for power has no end no name and no limits………..

No more billarys.

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