16 January 2008

Miss Me?

i've been chillin', thinking of new strategies to live my life by. right now, i'm trying to figure out how to make more money to pay these higher prices everything costs, trying to figure out how to pay my bills and debts, trying to figure out how I got into this mess to begin with.

well, i got here the same way all the rest of you suckers got here - overspent! gittin' high on bling just ain't where it's at, jack! bill o'reilly sez there's no homeless vets out there, find them if you can under some bridge, near you.

yeah, sistah - pretend winter in america is not here.

Zoom Gil SCOTT-HERON by EBET ROBERTS. key words:  score:15 live on Gil-Scott. live on brotha live on, your words are coming true...

the latest news since my last article that has come to full circle (or closing in on it) is the bad in the economy that's being felt out there. oh, and that strong wind cuttin' thru your clothes isn't the weather, or the recession, but the real feel of a devastating winter coming to the land. an american winter of poverty like not seen since the Great Depression. i can feel it like a sharp pain in my ass, just like how my credit card interest rate feels these days. hard dayz a'coming my friendz . . .

bernake wants the government to set up a stimulus package and increase spending but not raise inflation. bush wants to offer a stimulus package tied to more tax cuts (like the ones that got us in the current situation). obama wants to give you a $250 instant government rebate check so you can spend now and improve the economy his administration hopes to inherit. republicans want to flip-flop group style and say they want to stimulate the economy.

citibank is on its knees ready to suckit to get the big dough out of a Saudi prince's pants and the Bank of Signapore's cash (where our government and rich have been funneling our tax dollars for years in secret accounts) so that we can use the ATMs next week and not go into a money crisis next. jobs keep going overseas to others, while others keep coming into our country and taking the jobs that are left. employers are more evil than ever, firing people at will more and more, or letting them go with no benefits, no health care, no pensions - while their CEOs who took all this from you get fired and kicked out with $100 million bonuses! and health care? you better off dead - and you'll still owe the bill.

it's all about the time zone.

the american empire, like its soviet counterpart, got too big too fast and eventually has to collaspe on itself. expect a glasnost of our own in the coming decades, as the U.S. also falls as a superpower. expect the total collapse of society, as Britney has another baby, fucks another man, then goes out with her friends Paris and Lindsay and in the Porshe spreads her thighs open and shows us her sweet afterbirth oozin' out of 'em. . .

that, my friends, would signal the end of another Terran empire ...... amazing ...... wow. like matthew mcconaughey 'wow'. which we're still trying to understand what that means....

so like yeah, brotha barack . . . yeah, sistah hill, it's the economy again, stupid. your move.

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check the time where you're at on the Big Board...