10 August 2007

The First LGBT Political Debate on LOGO TV last nite

IF you're like me, you've been pissed at times that there were no free channels after HBO, Showtime and Cinemax pay channel listings. The dial sps here, no free porn for you, mister. Ok so maybe most of you are not like me. But if you go further down the channel guide and presume this time you have the channel and stop there, you may be surprised what you find.

Channels like The Tube, g4, LOGO, Rave, Noticias, not to mention those wonderful 700-level HD channels further down the tube. All with stunning programming, if not in quality of picture then in the level of programming. Great live concert shows, more content for a wider diversity of people, and more risque in expanding our programmable minds.

LOGO is on of these channels that's changing television. Not necessarily the first gay-content channel, it is also not that either. It provides natural programming to those who can use the information and focus, to connect with your community. That's responsible television, programming of the individual's choice, not what Mother tells us it should be. It recently had a "talk" debat with several Dem candidates. All attended except Biden and Dodd (they will both pay for it soon), Edwards did attend and was asked by one of my favorite rock stars, the wonderful lesbian woman Melissa Ethridge (bless her heart) if he was now comfortable around gays, he wasn't b4. hmmm... :0

Hillary Clinton
Kevork Djansezian / AP thanks Kevork!

Obama spread open his life as the child of an interracial couple who experienced some of the exclusionary practices at law of the world in those days, and Hillary were there spreading love and hope, but the LGBT community is in love with none other than: Dennis Kuscinichz. He speaks to them and completely support them. As Melissa said, "I hope you keep running forever and ever until you win, man". That sez it all.

None of the Republicans invited accepted an invitation to do a similar show on another day. I don't blame them, because the party's position on gays wouldn't be served that way. However, Guliani you're a hypocrite because you do support gay rights! Or you have in the past! And that cross-dressing you did (TWICE!) on SNL and other forums should make u a brunt of criticism for not accepting a "talk" with them, you owe them that. That would be like a closet supporter of civil rights politician like so many of the Northeastern politicians of the middle of the 20th century when machine politics controlled your patronage. You need the minority vote but can't be seen in public with them, or go on their turf or their forums (like Bloomberg did in the last mayoral election in HARLEM).


The gay and lesbian community is largely Democratic and politically active.

Today's voter wants change - simple as that! Today's politician must have vision, be more open, more inclusive, more open to changes in the way we interact, do things, deal with others. It's going to require a renaissance leader.

Oh yes, the debate, or talk as you will. Who won? I don't know, I changed the channel to watch the Pink Floyd reunion concert they were showing on VH1 Classic Channel.

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check the time where you're at on the Big Board...